World Ends At 10:00 Details At 11:00

WoodChip Elmer EveryGreen is watching TV with a brew.  He is startled by the TV tease that World ends at 10, details at 11.Don’t you just love the TV drama and teases before they go to commercial break.  All to get you to stay on their channel, watch endless commercials, and wait for the punch line.

This kicks my obstinate mode into high gear when I see I’m being manipulated like this.  So I change the channel.  And I try to not go back just to show them it didn’t work.

Still, they get me sometimes and I reluctantly return, feeling much the TV gutless Lemming in the process.

And if truth be told, if I saw a tease that said “World ends at 10:00 details at 11:00,”  I’m pretty sure I’d stay on channel.

And I might grab a barley based beverage real quick while the commercials were showing.  Maybe two or three.

So do you fall for the TV tease?  And would you stay on channel with a parting headline of “World ends at 10:00, details at 11:00?”

Feel free to respond by clicking this posts title and commenting in the box that appears below.

Have a nice day – hope to see you at 11:00 (chuckle) – J. Daniel

One Response to “World Ends At 10:00 Details At 11:00”

  1. Rena says:

    Just like you! I love this one!

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