Archive for November, 2011

Where Does It Go?

That Cherry.  She’s always thinking and writing in her journal.  And she’s got a tough question here she’s puzzling over.  Just where does that word go when you erase it. Feel free to comment and leave an answer for her. And have a nice day – J. Daniel .


A Hungry Drink

So the old Captn Stumpy tells Woody he’s hungry, so what do they do?  Well, naturally they want to get a drink at the Bark ‘n Barley Bar.  That’s some pair of characters there.


WoodChips Viewed In 85 Countries Around The World

The WoodChips are regularly viewed in 85 countries around the world.  Can you guess the top five? Well, the United States at number one is probably a gimme.  But how about the next five (see chart below)? You might be surprised. If you look at the number of pages viewed, the next five are Germany, [...]


Hoping Your Thanksgiving Rocks

Many tree rings ago, in about 1620 more or less, there was a small forest in the old world of England. The trees in this forest wore funny hats and big shoe buckles on their roots and were known as Pilgrims, although no one really knows why they were called such an un-tree like name. [...]


Thank God It’s Friday