The Rumors Of Jim Carrey’s Death – Are They Greatly Exaggerated

So the internet was all abuzz today about Jim Carrey’s untimely death in a snowboarding accident.  But then, this could be a great manifestation of Mark Twain’s comment when he said, “The rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated.”

You can’t believe everything you see on the internet.  This has been the topic of many a news story – touting the benefits of the mainstream media because they have “editorial control.”

Right.  Which is why you can always believe everything in the mainstream news.  God bless all that editorial control.

But this gives us the opportunity to say we like Jim Carrey, as zany as he is, because he takes his humor seriously.  And humor is serious business.  After all, the WoodChips are doing their best to “save the planet, one chuckle at a time.

We offer this complimentary obituary to Jim in the hopes that he’s alive and that he gets the benefit of another Mark Twain invention – the rare privilege of hearing all the nice things people have to say about you at your funeral.

You’ll recall in Twain’s book Tom Sawyer, that Tom and Huck got to do just that.  Everyone thought they had drowned in the Mississippi (which they had not) and they listened to their funeral and all the wonderful things people said about them.

Not a bad idea really.  So instead of waiting until someone you care for actually dies, maybe just go ahead and tell them how great they are right now – kind of like a positive pre-funeral thing (you don’t need to mention the funeral).

And back to Jim, hey Jim, you were great and helped save the planet one chuckle, and dare we say, one belly laugh, at a time.  We will miss you.  And we really hope you are reading this right now, alive, and chuckling to yourself.

Back to us again.  Let’s go tell someone we care for something really nice about them.

Like … hmmm … right now.  J. Daniel

One Response to “The Rumors Of Jim Carrey’s Death – Are They Greatly Exaggerated”

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