A Bridgegate Too Far In New Jersey

A Bridgegate Too Far in New Jersey

For those watching the news lately there is a possible scandal going on in the state of New Jersey.  It seems that some of Governor Chris Christie’s staff ordered the closing of a key bridge for political retribution in the recent past.  There are emails proving this, although there has been no Read the rest of this entry »

Everyone Makes Me Smile

Mimosa is always smiling... sometimes when people arrive, and sometimes...
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Big Data

Maple was underwhelmed with the computer seminar on BIG DATA
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If At First You Don’t Succeed…

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you
You may guess I’ve been reading succes books lately and you would be right.  Starting at an early age, I read many biographies of successful people in history.  And one thing really struck me, and that was that almost all of these historical figures of success failed earlier in their lives, oftem spectacularly and repeatedly.

George Washington is a clear case of this, losing an imrtant battlle, that he should not have lost, early in his military career.  And of course, he got off to a bad start before that chopping down a cherry tree.  And Abraham Lincoln had a nervous breakdown as a lawyer in Illinois – although I suppose that’s understandable.

But what these and other great people did was just pull themselves up and try again.  So there is some merit to the try, try again slogan.

On the other hand, no amount of research I did came up with a famous person who failed at skydiving, tried again, and went on to smashing great success.  So the try, try again thing just must not work with jumping out of a perfectly good airplane for no reason at all.  Go figure.

Anyhow, you may be interested in the current success book I’m reading by Scott Adams, the creator / cartoonist of Dilbert.  It’s entitled How To Fail At Almost Everything and Still Win Big – Kind of the Story of My Life.  I recomend it highly.  You can order it at this link on Amazon – Scott’s Book on How To Fail At Almost Everything…

He didn’t come up with any successful failed skydivers either, but it’s still a great read full of practical and humorous advice :-) .

Have a nice day – J. Daniel

Cartoon Dialog: Setting: Many skydivers floating down from the sky from their parachutes at the Free Fall Skydiving School.  In the foregrond is a deep hole in the ground in the shape of a WoodChip whose parachute must not have opened.
Caption: If at first you don’t succeed… skydiving is not for you.

If You Like Your Dealer…

The President needs a diversion from health care and he finds one.
P.S.  DID WE CALL IT, OR DID WE CALL IT :-) - I’m not saying that the WoodChips have major connections to Washington, D.C. or anything, but just four days after we posted this cartoon, the following headline appeared on MSN.  Wow.  Now if we can just get our predictive abilities this fine-tuned in the stock market, things are going to go along swimmingly (chuckle). Read the rest of this entry »

If A Tree Falls In The Forest Does It Make A Sound – Take II

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound is a philosophical question involving observation and reality.  The question has been around since about 1890 when Alexander T. Jackson, one of the great minds of the 20th century, first posed it?

The conundrum in the question is where Alexander states that Read the rest of this entry »

The Computer Conversion

Elmer thought the computer conversion went well...

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Computer Software Heaven

Elmer has a dream about computer software heaven.
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Elmer’s Secret

Elmer had a secret TV show.
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A Duck Hunting Distinction

Woody is insisting it is goose hunting, not duck hunting.
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