Archive for the ‘MicroChips (Technolgy)’ Category

BullChip-A-Tron 9000 Stunning Press Release

In a stunning press release today, computer scientists at WoodChips Central announced that the BullChip-A-Tron 9000 has cleared beta testing and is now in production.  The BullChip-A-Tron 9000 is a highly advanced heuristic artificial intelligence computer that can translate inane drivel told to customers and citizens by businesses and politicians throughout the world.  WoodChips computer scientists [...]


Flying Is Safe, It’s The – That Is Dangerous


Sometimes It Really Is Captain Marvel

Sometimes the improbable, no matter how unlikely it may seem, really does happen. Like a near nuclear reactor meltdown due to a highly improbable 8.9 earthquake in Japan. The number 8.9 just doesn’t sound as big and as bad as it really is when it comes to earthquakes.  This is because scientists use a logarithmic [...]


Jeopardy Watson Foretelling The Future

Recently I watched an excellent public broadcasting show on artificial intelligence.  No, I’m not talking about the intelligence you run into in a singles bar, but the real deal that computer scientist have been working at for decades. The latest milestone in this endeavor is a computer to compete in the popular television show Jeopardy.  [...]


So Would You Like To Write Your Own Blog

Many people, millions in fact, write blogs today.  So have you ever wanted to write one of your own? Here’s a couple of helpful tips for you.  First, you can do this for free.   There are many free blog programs out there.  I’ve tried most of them and I can save you some time by telling [...]