NSA Email Spying – Another Government Benefit For Americans
This whole NSA thing kind of puts a new spin on cloud computing… hmmm, clouded in secrecy computing that is.
And wow, who’d of thunk it. The NSA is now providing free email file backup for all Americans. That is to say, what with them copying and saving all of our email data, who needs backup anymore. If you lose something, just write the NSA like Cherry did and they’ll probably restore your files for free.
Those clever guys — what will they think of next?
Of course, being a government agency, there will probably be forms involved that you need to fill out (chuckle).
Have a nice day – J. Daniel
Setting: WoodChips character Cherry is writing a letter to the NSA. While she is writing, she is thinking of the NSA Computer – which says NSA – clouded in secrecy computing. She’s also thinking about her brother Chip, and her recently departed pet butterfly named Lucky.
Cherry: Dear NSA, My brother Chip installed Window 8 on my laptop and wiped out all of my personal emails to my friends.
Can you please send me your copies?
Also, he accidently stepped on my pet butterfly named Lucky. But maybe there’s not much you can do about that.
Do you have a butterfly terrorist database?
Featuring WoodChips Character Woody
Woody is a little on the sleazy-treezy side, if you get my driftwood. He sells used cars and used insurance for a living and some of his deals are a little questionable.
But there must be some good heartwood deep in that trunk of his because Mimosa is kinda sweet on him, although that may say more good about her than him. Woody’s just lucky Mimosa worships the ground he keeps his roots in.
He wears paisley ties and has loud tweed polyester bark. No one knows how this is possible but everyone agrees it matches him to a tree. And the Woodster mischievously calls the little paisley things on his ties fungameciums just to get a rise out of him.
Anyhow, Woody goes around whistling songs off-key just for fun, although he really has a nice voice and sings in the Barbershop TreeO. He’s an odd one, that WoodyTree.
Setting: Woody standing in front of his used car and used insurance business. There’s a big sign that says “Woody’s Used Karz – We take you for a ride.”
Woody: The secret to success is sincerity. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.”
I Tried To Be Good, But…
Setting: Mimosa, in her car, has been pulled over by DeadWood, on his Holly Davidson Unicycle. Mimosa is trying to talk her way out of getting a speeding ticket. Note that DeadWood is the part time law enforcement in her neck of the woods.
Mimosa: “I tried to be good, but I got bored.”
DeadWood: Too surprised to comment.
Freedom Of The Press? Hey, We’re Just(ice) Helpin’ Out
Now see there. There’s a perfectly good reason for the Justice Department tapping into all of the Press’s contacts. The Administration, which has said repeatedly in press conferences that they are very much for Freedom of the Press, was just helping out.
You really have to wonder sometimes what all the flap is about. Here they are trying to help… a la “Hey I’m from the government, I’m here to help you,” and everyone is giving them a hard time.
Reminds me of the phrase, “Let no good deed go unpunished.” I bet the Administration is thinking the same about now.
Personally, I think the whole thing is due to a bunch of Gol-Dang Pagan Contheorocy Spirist… and unpatriotic people in New York City drinking black market 32 ounce sodas.
So what do you think? Was the government just innocently trying to help the Press (big grin)?
Have a nice day – J. Daniel
SETTING: The President and an Advisor talking in the White House – at the edge of the Fiscal Cliff – sometime in the past.
Advisor: Why so down Chief? Budget worries?
President: No, as a former Constitutional Law Professor I’m worried we don’t have enough freedom of the press.
Advisor: Really? What can we do?
President: Let’s help out and audit the situation – get Justice and the IRS involved, make sure the Press has plenty of contacts and sources.
Advisor: Good idea, Chief – want me to get them on Benghazi too?
President: Ummm – I’ll get back to you on that.
The New IRS Benghazi Freedom of the Press
SETTING: The President and an Advisor talking in the White House – at the edge of the Fiscal Cliff – sometime in the past.
Advisor: Why so down Chief? Budget worries?
President: No, as a former Constitutional Law Professor I’m worried we don’t have enough freedom of the press.
Advisor: Really? What can we do?
President: Let’s audit the situation – get the IRS involved, make sure the Press has plenty of contacts and sources.
Advisor: Good idea, Chief – want me to get them on Benghazi too?
President: Ummm – I’ll get back to you on that.
Imagine You Are A Politician
OK, so in all fairness, there are a few good politicians out there.
But they are few and far between, and the current bunch are rotten to the core.
What’s a good politician? I think one that protects property rights, and protects individual rights, and upholds the Constitution.
But I repeat myself.
Have a nice day – J. Daniel
Cartoon Dialog:
Setting: The Bark ‘n Barley Bar, Mimosa and Woody at the bar and Mayor BloomersBunched on TV making an announcement.
Mayor BloomersBunched: From now on I have decreed that all sodas are banned from Yew York Forest.
Mimosa: What’s up with Mayor BloomersBunched, Woody?
Woody: Imagine you are a politician. Then imagine you are an idiot. But I repeat myself.
Thorns Have A Rose
Setting: The Merry Woodster is approaching a fork in the road where there is a red rose bush. He leans over to pick up a rose in the path that has fallen from the bush. And he thinks…
Merry Woodster (thinking): Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns…
Merry Woodster (thinking more): I am thankful that thorns have roses.
New Honorary WoodChip Steve
Congratulations to Steve as our latest Honorary WoodChip. Steve has been a long-time enthusiastic supporter of The WoodChips.
You can see him listed along with other WoodChips Luminaries here – Honorary WoodChips.
Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame!
J. Daniel
Kim Jong’s Missile Can’t Start
I got the idea for this cartoon while installing Windows 8, rather painfully I might say, on my new laptop this week. And of course, Kim Jong and his bravado from North Korea has been all over the news, so the two ideas just kind of congealed into an obvious ”double failure to launch” idea, so to speak.
MilliSoft (not the real company name) has done it yet again, by releasing yet another scrambled eggs Windows operating system that moves everything you count on all around, and of all things, totally gets rid of the START button – which most of us have come to rely on quite heavily.
So while I was sweating and cursing while trying to do the most basic things, I had my usual four fantasies which are…
1) Sneaking into MilliSoft employees cars at night and Read the rest of this entry »
Cruise Lines Pentimento
So I changed the ship name in this cartoon a couple of times – and like this version of Eck-At-Sea best.
The Italians have a word for this – when an artist changes his mind and paints over something and changes it. It’s called “pentimento.” Literally, the artist “repents.”
Now there’s no doubt I have much to repent over, although those things will be held close to the vest, so to speak, and they are not the point — hmmm — to get off of that subject rather quickly.
The point is — do you like this ship name better?
You can send me your opinion at JDaniel@TheWoodChips.com.
And thanks – and have a nice day – J. Daniel