Do You Suffer From Supermedialturbationomacism?

There were lots of great reader comments this week. 

I was greatly amused by Sean’s comment when he said, “JD, DJ, John, Dan, Whoever you are today and regardless of what you are obviously running from, I think this is a great site. 

Sean is clearly on to my name game.

Which leads to our big word of the week – supermedialturbationomacism (pronounced super-medial-turbatio-nomacism) which roughly translated means big (super) middle (medial) confusion (turbatio) with your name (nomacism) — or big confusion over your middle name.
I mention this in my About page on the web site – that my first name is John, but I go by my middle name Dan.  This can be a big problem because all the forms I fill out ask for my first name, and many don’t ask for my middle name – so I either put my middle name in the first name (which is wrong) or remain nameless (which is wrong).  Outside of that, it’s pretty much a win-win situation.
This is particularly worrisome on government forms today because if I fill their form out incorrectly they will suspect I’m a terrorist and then, when they interview me and hear I’m a grown man who draws cartoons about trees — well, it’s game over folks (chuckle).
So I’m always using different combination and singular names, trying to accomadate this situation (also highly suspect) like J. Daniel, JD, DJ, Dan, John … anyhow, you get the picture.
I thought I was the only one suffering from supermedialturbationomacism, but talking to a business associate named Tracy the other day, she told me she had a related problem — that for the longest time as a child she thought her name was Hey You!
I felt a little better after that.
One final point — if you’re thinking about looking up supermedialturbationomacism in the dictionary … ummm … don’t do that … because sometimes I just make stuff up.
But it is a cool word, isn’t it :-)
That little fact aside (rather quickly), if you suffer from supermedialturbationomacism, I’d love to hear about it.  You can write your comments here by clicking on this web post title and entering them in the comments box that appears below.  And no need to agonize for a long time on how you sign it — I understand.
So whoever you are, have a great day – J. Daniel, or Dan, or John or whatever …
P.S. Now here’s the fun part.  It is VERY POSSIBLE that the Google Robots will pick up on this new word and catalog it.  I wouldn’t be surprised if we can’t key it into Google in a few days or week and it pops up – with a link to the WoodChips.  Fun, isn’t it.  We’ve just put a new search term in Google, and created a new word.  I’ll keep you posted, and in a few days you can also google supermedialturbationomacism and see what happens ;-) .

Crystal Harris Diet vs. The Twinkie Diet

Here are some Twinkie like cakes with pink icing

Shown above is a Twinkie like snack that will illustrate one type of effective diet.  Illustrating the other type of diet will be Crystal Harris, the 24 year old former Playboy Playmate who just became engaged to 84 year old Hugh Hefner.  You can see pictures of her and Hugh (G-rated) in a link below the article.

So what two types of diets am I talking about?

I call them the carbohydrate diet (Crystal Harris) and the calorie diet (Twinkies).  Both are effective.  Like Crystal Harris, I’ve had more success with the carbohydrate diet, but I have a number of friends who do well and maintain a nice shape with the calorie diet.

In the carbohydrate diet, you count carbohydrates.  This means you stay away from high glycemic carbohydrates like potatoes, bread, etc., and eat more low glycemic carbohydrates like high fiber vegetables (broccoli, spinach, green beans, etc.) and you eat protein like turkey, fish, chicken and some other meats.

In a recent interview, Crystal Harris was ask if she diets.  Her answer was a dead giveaway to a carbohydrate oriented diet.  She said, “I stay away from carbs as much as I can and I try to not eat pasta or potatoes. If I eat that stuff, it shows right away. I like ice cream though, and chocolate.”

Okay, so we’ll ignore the ice creme comment, and chocolate — well that’s an entirely different God Like food group that could be the subject of a long discussion – so we’ll ignore that as well.

The advantage of the carbohydrate diet, and why it appeals to me, is that you never need to be hungry.  Many of the foods on the diet have almost unlimited portions.  For example, you could probably eat your weight in broccoli and still lose weight (some folks might wonder why anyone would actually want to eat their weight in broccoli).

The disadvantage is you eliminate, or restrict, the types of foods you eat.

In the Twinkie diet (calorie diet) you don’t restrict anything from your diet but you very carefully watch how many calories you consume per day.  So the disadvantage is you may be a bit hungry at the beginning of the diet, but the advantage is you don’t cut out any of your favorite foods.

There’s a reason why I call this the Twinkie diet.  Twinkies can be used to prove that strictly counting calories works.  Ignoring the food quality issue, you CAN LOSE WEIGHT by eating only Twinkies (and similar snacks) if you keep your calories in line.  This was proven by college professor Mark Haub in 2010.  His point was that “in weight loss, pure calorie counting is what matters most — not the nutritional value of the food.”  Click here to see the Twinkie article.

Mark lost 27 pounds in 2 months by only eating Twinkies, Oreos and Doritos.

Now I don’t recomend this, but it proves that the calorie conting diet works.

The debate between the two goes on — but I think both are fine, and it’s nice we have a choice.

Finally, to prove the carbohydrate diet is extremely effective as well, I lost 30 pounds in 6 months using it.  I record my weight and per cent body fat every day (interesting note – one of my favorite authors, Ernest Hemingway, used to write his weight on the bathroom wall every day — I don’t do the bathroom wall thing — paper works fine).

If you look at my chart I kept below, you will be convinced the carbohydrate diet works as well.  Now, all I have to do is get back on it more religiously (chuckle).  If you want to read an excellent book on the subject, I suggest The Perricone Prescription.  This is what I used to lose the weight.  You will find it interesting.

One final point — I did this with the simplest exercise plan you can imagine.  I got the idea from Covert Bailey’s Fit or Fat series of books and PBS broadcasting.  But that’s the subject of another post.

So which diet do you prefer — and why. Or are you considering going on a total Twinkie cup cakes diet now — IMPRESSIVE.  To leave a comment just click on the title of this post and leave your thoughts in the comment box that will appear below.

Finally, to wrap up, here’s the link to Crystal Harris.  And if you get past that, my dramatic weight loss chart is below. I’ll bet a certain 50% of you don’t get that far (chuckle).

Wishing you the best (and if you are resolving to diet — the slimmest) New Year in 2011 – J. Daniel 

 Chart showing how J. Daniel lost 30 pounds in six months on low glycemic diet


WoodChips Worldwide – Peace on Earth Good Will To Men

This holiday season it is particularly gratifying that the WoodChips have become an international web site, regularly viewed in 110 countries around the world.

I am reminded of Henry Wadsworth’s  lyrics in I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day when he says …

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men.

(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882), 1867)

Here are the top 59 of the 110 countries the WoodChips are regularly viewed in.

Truly wishing peace on earth, and good will toward men - J. Daniel

The top 59 countries out of 110 that regularly view the WoodChips

Hoping Most Of Your Christmas Wishes Come True

Maple wished her computer was as easy to use as her phone. With her new phone she got her wish -- now she doesn't understand it either

Have you ever had this happen?  Maple got a new cell phone for Christmas and Elmer and she are puzzled about how to use the darn thing.

Especially how to just make a simple phone call.

I’m sensitized to that fact because I recently made a phone upgrade with major phone carrier Runs Fast (not their real name).  It seems like our technology just gets more complicated by the day.  I’ll bet Maple and Elmer are thinking, “be careful what you wish for, you just might get it,” about now.

But there’s a silver lining to the story — after all, she did get her wish.  And I find that quite often we really can get what we wish for if we make the right wishes, and plan, and set goals.

You’ll be hearing more about that in the future.  But just now, in the spirit of the season, I’m hoping most of your Christmas wishes come true, and ALL of them come true if they work out the way you anticipated — or better.

From the WoodChips and me, thanks for being the most important part of our WoodChips Forest in 2011.  Because of you, the WoodChips have gone from being regularly viewed in 85 countries around the world to 106 countries this year, and from 54,000 site hits a month, to over 130,000.  We are rapidly approaching the million hits mark.

Have a great holiday season – J. Daniel

The New American Health Care

Woody is standing in line at the airport to get a free scan and Frisk exam - not to travel somewhere - the new American Health Care system

Ahhh … so leave it to Woody, the sleazy Treezy used insurance salesman, to try to get free health care out of the airport security procedures.  That’s him in the glasses and the polyester bark.

Of course, this is an illustration of synergy – you know, where the sum of the parts is greater than the whole.  Our cartoon is showing governmental efficiency – killing two birds with one stone so to speak.  Synergistic efficiency isn’t normally associated with the government.

Kinda makes a body proud, doesn’t it.

So what do you think about this new security / health care synergy?

Have a nice trip – and physical – J. Daniel

DogWood Holly Day TreeCard Added

DogWood is wishing everyone Rufff and Happy Holly Days

So DogWood finally finished his Christmas card and he’s real proud of it.  I mean, it’s hard to draw these things when you have paws and stuff.  And he’s right proud of his little pun about Holly Days (holidays – he wanted me to explain it – chuckle).

That DogWood, he’s a real card.

Anyhow, you can send his card to your friends – he’d pretty much love that. 

Just click TreeCards above and send to a friend.

Also, if you’d like to leave any comments for DogWood, just click the post title above and then write in the comment box that appears below.

Have a nice day – J. Daniel

Drayton Bird and WoodChips Cartoon

The WoodChips cartoon about at&t we value your call appeared in the Drayton Bird blog.

I was quite pleased to see our WoodChips cartoon posted on Drayton Bird’s blog recently.

Who is Drayton Bird, you ask, and why was I so pleased?

Drayton is a direct marketing guru, an Englishman, uncommonly modest, with a great sense of humor, and …

… in in November 2003 the Chartered Institute of Marketing named Drayton Bird “one of 50 living indivduals who have shaped today’s marketing,”  and …

advertising legend the late David Ogilvy said “he knows more about direct marketing than anyone in the world.  His book about it is pure gold. His speeches are not only informative, but hilariously funny.”

Who wouldn’t want their material posted on his blog.

I met Drayton at a conference in Delray Beach in November.  He was one of the featured speakers (the best one, in my point of view).  After the conference, we exchanged e-mails and I sent him a WoodChips cartoon related to one of the points in his speech — which he then used to help make a point in his blog post.

Here is the post — I think you’ll find it interesting.

Now that was the first part of the story – the gist being I am very proud Drayton posted our cartoon and thoughts – good for us.

But here’s the MORE IMPORTANT part of the story because THIS IS GOOD FOR YOU.  

If you have ANY interests in business, marketing, a home based business, an internet business, selling cookies on the street, opening a lemonade stand … any business you want to market; you should go to Drayton’s site and sign up for his blog.

The man is an absolute walking treasure of business marketing ideas, and he will send you a little gem every few days (which he humorously calls a new dollop of drivel – but don’t be fooled, it’s of value).

Actually, if you like dry British humor, as I do, Drayton writes in such a conversational and entertaining manner that it’s interesting —  even if you don’t care about marketing.  So at a minimum, you’ll learn about excellent communication — which can help you in all aspects of life. 

But if you have any business idea or aspiration, you know that marketing is the key, so I wanted to pass this on to you.

You can sign up for Drayton’s FREE marketing ideas at

It will be time well spent.

Have a nice day – J. Daniel

P.S. The main Drayton Bird site is at  The original post of the cartoon on the WoodChips site is at

We’ve Run Aground Without Food Or Water …

Two WoodChips have run aground in their saulboat and sent a message in a bottle "We've run aground without food or water, please send rum."

So I really heard a story like this over in the Bahamas … I didn’t say it was a true story, I will just say I definitely heard it.

I had sailed my boat the Saline Solution II over to Bimini in the Bahamas, one of the islands in the Gulf Stream mentioned in Ernest Hemingway’s book Islands in the Stream. 

Bimini has been a special place to me for some years now.  It’s like stepping back fifty years in time, to a place where life is simpler, and slower.  Way slower.  As soon as I dock and set foot on the island, my ambition meter drops straight to zero and I am totally taken in by the beauty and pace of the place.

It had been a thirteen hour sail and the seas had been rough in the crossing, so I felt a need for fortification and relaxation.

I found myself sitting at the bar in the Compleat Angler, a rustic hotel and bar Hemmingway used to hang out at.  And the bartender telling me about this bottle they found washed up on the shore.  And how they opened it and found a message.  The message had read, “Help, we are run aground without food or water – please send rum.”

And I liked the story.  It was very Hemmingway, and I was in a very Hemmingway mood.

And their Plan B (rum) was right in line with mine.

Now you have to be a little careful what you believe in a Hemmingway bar, on a island in the stream … with rum … but as the night wore on, I came to believe the story more and more.

And I left convinced it was true ;-)

So if you’re the rustic adventurer type, and have a chance to get to Bimini, and step fifty years back in time, you’ll definitely want to stop in at the Compleat Angler.  And perhaps you’ll hear the story as well, and come to believe it as I did, as the night passes on.

So here’s to your islands in the stream, and a good Plan B.

J. Daniel

P.S. If you are the tourist trap type, you will want to avoid Bimini.  You’ll be bored.  This is definitly for the rustic, adventurer types that do not need to be entertained.

Overwhelmed … Up To Your A@# In Alligators

Maple is overwhelmed in the swamp with lots of alligators trying to remember what she was going to do

Feeling a little overwhelmed and up to your A@# in alligators … or know a friend in this predicament.

Now you can send them this TreeCard as a show of support and understanding.  Just click on TreeCards above and go from there.

Have a nice day – and watch out for those alligators – J. Daniel

Airport Security Pat Down Card From June Nipper

June Nipper patted down in airport security
Airport security is getting to be a real pain these days, don’t you think.

But June Nipper has a different attitude about the whole thing – and now you can send this FREE Tree-Card (e-card) to your stressed out traveling friends this holiday season.

Just click Tree-Cards above – and surprise your friends (chuckle).

So what do you think about June Nipper’s “chipper” attitude.

Have a nice day – J. Daniel