No One Ever Agrees With Me

Maple is always amazed when someone agrees with her.

Cartoon Dialog: Read the rest of this entry »

Donald Trump’s Humility Is A Lot Like Woody’s

Woody copies Donald Trump's style in humility.

Cartoon Dialog: Read the rest of this entry »

CNN’s New Reality TV Show

Does anyone think CNN treats the Presidential Debates like a reality show?

Cartoon Dialog: Read the rest of this entry »

If A Mime Falls In The Forest…

If a mime falls in the forest, and no one is around...

Cartoon Dialog: Setting: A mime just fell down in the forest. Read the rest of this entry »

Presidential Election Fiscal Responsibility Promises

Cartoon Dialog: Setting: A crowd is listening to a presidential candidate making a speech and campaign promises.  They are a little bit Read the rest of this entry »

The Secret To Happiness

Cartoon Dialog: Setting: Woody is talking to Mimosa in the Bark n Barley Bar.  Mimosa is thinking about champagne. Read the rest of this entry »

Elmer Watched The Presidential Debates

Cartoon Dialog: Setting: Elmer is watching the Presidential debates on television.  He is startled by one of the candidates claims and spills his beer.
Caption: Elmer watched the Presidential debates.
Candidate: I was born in a humble log cabin… that I built by myself with my own two hands…
Bottom Caption: He concluded a visit to might be in order.

The Donald Trump Presidential Jet Dreamliner

Cartoon Dialog: Setting: Pictured is Air Force One on the ground with an American flag painted on Read the rest of this entry »

When Is The 4th Of July?

Is it the 4th of July or Independence Day?
Cartoon Dialog: Setting: Cherry is writing in her daily log journal.  There is a picture of a firecracker in Read the rest of this entry »

Where Was The Declaration Of Independence Signed?

Confusion over where the Declaration of Independence was signed.
Cartoon Dialog: Setting: Maple is teaching a bunch of young students at the Read the rest of this entry »